A word from Alan Wise:
For New Order fans who dislike paying 20% of concert ticket to "agents" We "Wisemoves" do sell them direct to fans for £30 all in, not £32.50 as you have it, £30 being what we consider a fair price. But its just by post.
Send cheque or Posta Order to "Wise Moves " payable to me T A Wise,and enclose a s.a.e. for return. I will send them striaght out. If your che que bounces we will call you up on stage at the show for the "Hooky" Bass punishment, as the security got at Liverpool.He weilds that bass like a claymore.We have no seats just standing tickets, any number you like, for £30.I consider the convenience and insurance of buying through an agent too dear and this £30 by post idea was thought up for regular fans. But only 6 people have used it yet !!! T Wise.
"Wise Moves "
26 Lockett Gardens
M3 6BJ
Quelle: neworderonline.com